muay thai stance

solary, kolektory słoneczne, ogniwa fotowoltaiczne, fotowolt

Temat: : Wywiad z Johnem Waynem Parr-em [eng]
...until the last twenty seconds when I hit him with a left hook that knocked him out cold. After Doi you fought Siko Bika for the Australian boxing title next, was that your hardest boxing fight? No, just a wake up call telling me that I can't do both sports at once at that level. I was only training with Rod twice a week and training and teaching Muay Thai at my gym. The fight started well but after the fourth round my body went into automatic and I started going back to my Muay Thai stance and didn't have the right foot work I had when I was boxing. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way. You then fought Goto again in Japan, was that again under shootfighting rules? How did it feel to beat Japan's own champion there? After the last time we fought I was looking forward to the rematch. I didn't diet properly and was over weigh 6kgs three days before the fight, I didn't eat for two days and we ended up having a same day weigh-in, then I...

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