multibank engine

solary, kolektory słoneczne, ogniwa fotowoltaiczne, fotowolt

Temat: Pytanie o tył Lee/Granta the M3 but had a cast, instead riveted, hull. Built only by American Loco, 300 were produced from February to August 1942 M3A2 - mechanically identical to the M3 but had all-welded hull. Baldwin commenced producing welded M3A2 in January 1942, but only 12 were built M3A3 - all-welded hull as M3A2 but fitted with twin GM 6-71 diesel engines. Baldwin built this variant from March to December 1942, producing a total of 322. M3A4 - All-welded hull fitted with Chrysler A-57 Multibank engine, longer chassis, side doors eliminated. Built only by Detroit Arsenal from June to August 1942, 109 vehicles have been produced M3A5 - mechanically identical to the M3A4 but rivetted insted welded hull. Built by Balwin from January to November 1942, 591 have been produced... edit kolejny w przypadku M3A2, M3A3, M3A5 jest dodatkowa informacja Side doors welded up or eliminated up on late production vehicles

Temat: Sherman M4A4 Chrysler Multibank engine. Resicast
Witam. Właśnie jestem po pierwszych oględzinach zestawu Resicastu - M4A4 Chrysler Multibank engine - 35.269 i M4A4 Chrysler Multibank late engine bay - 35.270. Na początek Przedział silnika – 35.270 Instrukcja montażu W skład zestawu wchodzi blaszka foto trawiona Oraz części żywiczne Silnik – 35.269 Instrukcja Żywica Blok silnika Chłodnica + detale silnika Drobnica Oba...

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