muscle atrophy
solary, kolektory słoneczne, ogniwa fotowoltaiczne, fotowolt
Temat: The 2x40's ( hepme .... please hepme )
...My worst bite ever was from a large tube laser power supply.....that one should have finished me. ;) It was 65kv at high amperage..... I was soooo lucky, Was sitting on the floor next to it instead of standing..... For whatever reason the crowbar ckt decided to dump HV to chassis ground, when I had my hand near a ground point. It went in second finger and out fourth, so no heart damage etc. Caused me to need therapy and special exercises to fight muscle atrophy in that arm for 6 months or so after, blackened both fingertips at entry and exit, and I cranked the back of my head on the floor from the recoil (luckily I was already out when I hit) I woke up feeling like I had just lost a fight, and I swear it was a minute before I knew who/where/what (probably from the head conk) Wow thinking back I'm suprised I'm still around, and even more suprised that I still have all me digits....amazing considering I'm...
Temat: Ladies Topic All about women and not only..
...thousands of test subjects). Well you're kinda wrong about atrophied ligamnet being harder to stretch. Atrophy means decrease in volume and number of cells which means the ligamnets becomes smaller and weaker, and the chemical composition also changes so that they become less elastic which makes them easier to strech (less capable of returning to their original position when streched) and easier to tear. An imobilised knee being harder to move has more to do with muscle atrophy (tho from personal experience of having my knee imobilised for two months with notable