muscle relaxant
solary, kolektory słoneczne, ogniwa fotowoltaiczne, fotowolt
Temat: >>Trucizna_bron_podstepnych_arabow_Jerozolima
...that the alleged direct involvement of
Jerusalem Arabs in acts of terrorism has been made public.
The three suspects, who were arrested three weeks ago based on intelligence
information provided by the Shin Bet, have confessed, police said.
One of the three, Othman Kiania, 22, from the Silwan neighborhood, worked as a
chef at the restaurant for the last three years. According to police, he had
planned to lace pitchers of drinks with toxic quantities of a muscle relaxant.
The two others were identified as ringleader Sufian Abdo, 23, of Jebl Mukaber,
who planned to provide Kiania with the drug, and Mussa Nasser, 22, of Ras el-
Amud, who worked with Abdo. They were indicted yesterday afternoon in
Jerusalem District Court on charges of belonging to a terror organization and
supporting the enemy during wartime.
Kiania, who was the last of the three to be arrested, is expected to be
charged later in the...
Temat: Łowcy skór
...sampling equipment for the coroner's office personnel and showed them how the evidence needed to be retrieved and preserved. "Over the next 16 weeks, the remaining exhumations and sample collections were done, and I received them here at the Lab," Andresen said. Because succinylcholine chloride breaks down very quickly into chemicals normally found in human tissue, Andresen concentrated his testing on Pavulon, a potent, synthetic muscle relaxant often administered to patients on artificial respiration. This compound is very powerful and is usually given at very low levels. It was previously thought to dissipate quickly in the body. "I was very surprised at first that I found anything," Andresen said. "I went in to this with a totally open mind." After six positive hits for Pavulon, he made his preliminary presentation to the Los Angeles District...
Temat: Anne Nicole Smith zmarła, bo przedawkowała
a oto lista: - Trichloroethanol (a sedative and hypnotic) - Trichloroacetic acid (treatment of warts, including genital warts) - Diphenhydramine hydrochloride (an antihistimine and sedative) - Clonazepam (aka Klonopin; used for treating anxiety) - Diazepam ( muscle relaxant, used for treating anxiety, insomnia) - Nordiazapam (sedative) - Temazepam (a sedative and hypnotic) - Oxazepam (a
Temat: boli, oj boli...
...polez sobie na podlodze i pozegnaj z mysla o > zdrowym kregoslupie :( Z taka mysla to ja sie pozegnalam lata temu... Prababcia, babcia i ojciec maja (prababcia miala) zwyrodnienie stawu biodrowego, duzo osob z rodziny ma z tym problemy. Ja jako niemowle musialam miec jakies zastrzyki sprowadzane z USA przez babcie bo mialam krzywice i bali sie, ze moge miec problemy z chodzeniem. Takze to, ze mnie na starosc polamie to pewne. Ale nie teraz! Biore muscle relaxant i zasypiam na stojaco, nie mam sily nawet z nikim gadac, po prostu nie moge slow wydobyc... A na urlop pojade czy bedzie bolec, czy nie. Mam non-refundable ticket ;o) Poza tym coz lepszego niz cieply bialutki piasek kiedy u nas zapowiadaja snieg w weekend :o/
Temat: nie cierpie tego, ale...
No i powleklam sie dzis na Urgent Care, dostalam muscle relaxant i sie dowiedzialam ze mam "back strain" i "herniated disc" :o/ Mam lod przykladac (swietne wiesci po tym jak od piatku bylam przekonana ze mam sie grzac pod koldra :o))) i robic cwiczenia- ha ha. Lekarka do mnie- jak nisko mozesz sie schylic? A ja: przepraszam, ale ja ledwie stoje. Ale juz lepiej jest. Dzieki za rady i wsparcie!
Temat: Lowcy skor - jest metoda analityczna na Pavulon w ekshumacjach!
...demonstrated the proper sampling equipment for the coroner's office personnel and showed them how the evidence needed to be retrieved and preserved. "Over the next 16 weeks, the remaining exhumations and sample collections were done, and I received them here at the Lab," Andresen said. Because succinylcholine chloride breaks down very quickly into chemicals normally found in human tissue, Andresen concentrated his testing on Pavulon, a potent, synthetic muscle relaxant often administered to patients on artificial respiration. This compound is very powerful and is usually given at very low levels. It was previously thought to dissipate quickly in the body. "I was very surprised at first that I found anything," Andresen said. "I went in to this with a totally open mind." After six positive hits for Pavulon, he made his preliminary presentation to the Los Angeles District Attorney's office in...
Temat: zwolennicy kary smierci za zabojstwo,przeczytajcie
..."For the lethal injection the condemned man (or woman) [dopisek - or klip-klap] is strapped unto a gurney, with needles for injection in both arms. First some water with common salt shall clean the veins. When the inmate has spoken his last words, the executioner starts the machine and three different chemicals flow into the body: 1. a very high dose of the narcotic Sodium Thiopental, that makes the man fall into coma; 2. Pancuronium Bromide, a muscle-relaxant which causes the collapse of diaphragm and lungs; 3. Potassium Chloride to stop the heart beat. The whole process takes about 7 minutes and the cost of the drugs is $86 per execution".
Temat: Eksperci nie wierzą w samobójstwo Kelly'ego
Najpierw cytat z Twojego link-u: "The incision in Kelly's wrist was probably to conceal the injection of both Dextroprypoxythene, the active ingredient in Co-Proxamol, and Succinylcholine, a muscle relaxant, rather than as evidence of his bleeding to death, as highlighted by a group of six doctors in letters published in the British press. Shrimpton further agreed with the doctors by pointing out that Kelly only had one Co-Proxamol tablet in his body and that this was not sufficient to kill him." Najwyrazniej Mr. Shrimpton to komletny becwal. Nie ma pojecia o medycynie sadowej, ani o zasadach policyjnego dochodzenia. Nie...
Temat: Pomoc z lekami potrzebna
Pomoc z lekami potrzebna Mam problem, nie dopytalam lekarza czy moge karmic. Biore od jakiegos czasu wieksze dawki Nurofenu, a dzisiaj dostalam dodatkowo Methocarbamol ( muscle relaxant) Znalazlam jedynie to: Leki chyba jednak musze wziac bo plecy tak bola ze ledwo funkcjonuje. Oprocz tego biore leki na nadcisnienie (labetalol i bendroflumethiazide). Wiem ze te dwa ostatnie moge brac przy karmieniu, zreszta labetalol biore jeszcze zanim zaszlam w ciaze. Ale teraz tych lekow troche duzo sie zrobilo.. Zastanawiam sie czy nie brac rano wszystkiego a potem dopiero...