muslim weddings

solary, kolektory słoneczne, ogniwa fotowoltaiczne, fotowolt

Temat: In the News What is happening
...the BNP publicly in this fashion is probably the wrong way to go about getting rid of them. The support the BNP has is not because of their inane policies (which, much as I've read them, don't really seem to stand for much), but because they are the only prominent figures that are addressing an issue that is close to a lot of British people: immigration. As long as Whitehall doesn't do anything to deal with immigration (other than walking out of traditionalist Muslim weddings), the BNP is going to keep growing. Not to make odious comparisons here, but the reason that Hitler rose to power -got so much, if still a minority, support- was because Hindenburg was unable to resolve the issues that were affecting Germany. Eventually people said, "change at any cost". Calling Nick Griffin an ignorant, bigoted, racist, homophobic prat doesn't improve the functioning of the Government. Let's not forget it...

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