muslim names

solary, kolektory słoneczne, ogniwa fotowoltaiczne, fotowolt

Temat: Imie dla potomka polsko-algierskiego - pomozcie
Pierwsze co mi przyszlo do glowy to tez Kamil, ewentualnie Daniel. A tutaj link do brytyjskiej stronki z muzulmanskimi imionami (bardzo duzy wybor) www.

Temat: USA -American Forces Press Service
...Chashmah-yi-’Ayub Village and nomadic-camp Islam, as examined earlier, often only superficially resembles the literate Islam of the Qor’an, Ha,dith, and Shari’at. In general, the villagers know the dramatis personae and many of the incidents related in the Qor’an, but give both a local twist. To reinforce his beliefs, the rural Afghan localizes his religion. In addition, pre-Islamic saints become Muslim saints, complete with Muslim names, and, often, rites and rituals connected with the pre-Muslim saints remain almost unchanged. To bring Islam even closer to the Afghan, several important Islamic figures are believed to be buried-in Afghanistan or, like ‘Ayub (Job), are said to have passed through the country. A healing hot spring, Chashmah-yi-’Ayub, bubbles forth at a spot where the Balkh Rive emerges from the mountains in north Afghanistan. More...

Temat: Prawda o moryskach [długie]
...| (...) Skoro to jest prawda, to jak wyglada klamstwo? I kto klamie? Moryskowie? Tak a propos - oczywiście chodzi tu o lata 1568-70 (w roku 1480 wygnano lub "konwertowano" tylko ludność żydowską). Wygnanie z Hiszpanii nastąpiło natomiast dużo później. No i zabrakło kilku pierwszych linijek o przyczynach dla których za kilkudziesięcioma poszły tysiące: "In 1567 a decree was published forbidding the Moriscos the use of their Muslim names, dresses, and even of their Arabic language. Internal security was transferred from the governor general..." O przyczynach tego długo by pisać, poszło o spory na dworze Filipa II. Frakcja której klientem był kapitan przegrała. " the audiencia. This was the last straw, for now there was no one to protect the peaceful Morisco farmers from the large number of outlaws in the Alpujarras mountains. The Moriscos, however, did not...

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